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Monday, November 4, 2013

Molest by a ruthless mother

By Wanga Maureen

Borrowed image courtesy of npong2franco.wordpress
A four year old boy at Rodi- Kopany town, Homa- Bay County was on Wednesday morning, 30th October, rescued by the sympathetic residents who found him absent minded after what they claimed was a result of molest from the child s mother.

The angry witnesses at the scene who were majorly women were left to wonder why a parent would denies her own child the basic needs like food and shelter and like that wasn't enough, go ahead and throw him out in the cold.

It was quite unbearable as the innocent child was met walking bare-footed in the streets, the body soaked in dry blood, no proper clothing, trembling and crying on a low tone. The child could not talk or even utter a word at the moment in fear of further frustrations and beatings by the mother once he gets back home.

‘These cases are rampant today in this county, most women here give birth before marriage and so when they find another man who happens to marry her and doesn't need the burden of another man’s kid, the senseless ladies opt to take the child to the grandparents or throw them out like the case of this one. There must be a similar reason here I guess’ said one of the eye witnesses.

Later own the eye witnesses decided that one person to volunteer to host the child temporarily as they followed up on the matter with the child’s mother and the relevant authorities. 

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